Prose Poetry

Madness pain burst into consciousness, it pressed on walls, run down on his face. Let us solve the threads. Those who are not able to reach the end, please hear me.
White walls blind as the sky, as morning in some warning, not knowing the joy of heat. Wrap up his composure in the cloud of silence. They blind as a newborn puppy with the hope of eternity. Flying from the sky words burst over the sea. Someone had put wreath at the grave. For some reason, stranger opened the curtains, someone’s eyes will not open again.
His face now thinner, her sadness today quieter. Their view now more tender- your world will be bloom up today!
Muffled sobbing, trembling hands held each other insensibly, but no one fell now.
All so ridiculous … and voice …
In a nightmare … As in the abyss … disappeared.
Hurry up make last bow to the sun. Oh, your clothe so soaked with a smell of bun.
They whisper, they moan, they tear their masks to the shreds.
Shadows bother their sleep.
You can not help them, but happiness will fly on the top of the slope.
Destroy the ban on humans grace! Stand up outside indifferent days.


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